With better weather and calmer waters on the horizon, we’ll soon be in the full swing of racing season. Whether you’re a complete beginner, or if you’re looking forward to getting back into racing mode but would like to improve your skills, we’ve put together some great resources to help you build your knowledge and […]
There’s lots of advice out there if you’re looking at selling your house, but not so much on selling a boat. A professional approach is really important, whether you’re using a broker or selling your boat privately, you don’t want to give a potential boat buyer any reason to say no. We’ve put together some […]
With a new sailing season on the horizon, are you one of the many sailors thinking about buying a new boat in 2022? Whether you’re up-scaling, down-sizing, or thinking about buying a boat for the first time, here are some of our top tips for buying a boat… Decide what type of boat you want […]
Things have really moved forward for sailors in the last decade with navigation aids and how they go about things when afloat. Boating apps on both smartphones and tablets have completely transformed the sailing experience. You can now access detailed charts of pretty much the whole globe at your fingertips as well as useful warnings such […]
If you choose to get out on the water during the winter months, the weather windows are small but if you time it right, crisp, sunny days can be a sailing joy. You’ll be rewarded with low sun, flat water and empty cruising grounds, perfect to enjoy with a steaming mug of tea! For those […]
Autumn is now upon us and we need to think about taking care of our boats that have served us so well during spring and summer as the weather turns colder. Read on to find some steps you can take when deciding what’s the best thing to do with your boat this winter…. Can I […]